Meer en meer hoor ek dit: “Die mense daar buite.” Dis ’n nuwe Afrikaanse sêding, soos “aan die einde van die dag” ’n klompie jare gelede ook op die taaltoneel verskyn het (maar genadiglik deesdae minder voorkom, dink ek). Nou die dag (amper aan die einde van daai dag) sê ’n ekonoom ...
The Huffington Post | By Todd Van Luling Ernest Hemingway took his life on this day, July 2, back in 1961. Below are obscure facts about the novelist's life, pulled from old interviews and personal accounts by the writer. 1. Hemingway apparently once lived, got drunk and slept with a ...
Onberekenbare skade word aan stembande aangerig; huilerigheid onder groot mans breek uit; vloekwoorde vlieg rond; harte galop; humeure vlam op; beledigings weerklink; emosies kook oor; sielsverdriet vier hoogty; spanning bereik breekpunt; nikotien- en alkoholverbruik skiet die hoogte in; goeie maniere kies koers; sielkundige letsels word opgedoen; ophitsing vind plaas; gramstorigheid ...
By John McPhee At Time in the nineteen-fifties, the entry-level job for writers was a column called Miscellany. Filled with one-sentence oddities culled from newspapers and the wire services, Miscellany ran down its third of a page like a ladder, each wee story with its own title—traditionally, and almost invariably, a ...
By Paul Mason (in The Guardian) If you hand me the original paperback edition of Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow I can, quickly and without too much scrabbling, find you the page where the hero loses the girl. My disappointment on his behalf has lingered physically on that page for the past ...
By Drew Nellins Smith posted at 6:00 am on September 2, 2015 On Thursday, The New York Times published an op-ed defense of prolific writers by one of the modern era’s most prolific writers himself, Stephen King. It was a timely bit of writing for me, a non-prolific writer with a ...
By: Candide Kirk | September 8, 2015 I have been trying to pinpoint the exact moment, or indeed the book, when I became a digital reader. I’d bought my ereader years earlier and had a handful of titles on there, but I was still predominantly a paperback girl, picking up most ...
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